Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Struggles Of Women s Equality - 803 Words
Historically, women had to fight for their rights to vote and the right to gain economic or personal independence like men. Women have been subjected to unequal treatment and discrimination regardless of their race, culture or socioeconomic status. From birth boys and girls, male and female are expected by society to play certain roles based on gender, religions and other beliefs. Gender stereotypes have enforced the difference between men and women, it labels women as weak, submissive, they should be taking care of the household etc. Hence, most women lose opportunities because they are perceived as vulnerable and unable to participate in certain activities. The struggles of women’s equality started in the 1800s where women in the United States wanted equal rights to vote and have equal job opportunity like men. It is not right for one gender to be superior over the other. Hence, women such as Susan B. Anthony who drafted The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions demanded equality for women to be educated and gain employment. Cady Stanton along with Susan Anthony formed the National Woman Suffrage Association, Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell amongst others formed the American Women Suffrage Association demanding voting rights for women. The declaration of independence states that, â€Å"all men are created equal and has the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†(The Declaraton of Independence, 1776). With all the efforts made throughout the years congressShow MoreRelatedWomen s Struggle For Equality924 Words  | 4 PagesWomen in American society have endured numerous struggles to fight for equality thr oughout history. Today American women have come a long way by narrowing gender gaps and becoming successful in aspects of life that are prominently male dominated. 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It is necessary for identity social development and a means for a prosperous life. Constantly, the United Nations emphasized women`s education and set goals for its success with gender equality. Empowering women`s education is an essential element in growing societies that seek democracy and economic advancement. For the last decade, Palestinian women education had been the concern for several reasonsRead MoreFeminism : Women And Women908 Words  | 4 PagesFeminism Throughout history women have struggled to show their value juxtaposed to men. Women are often downgraded economically, politically and socially just because they are female’s. The struggle between women in the 1800s is similar to the struggle women have now. Equal rights for women are still being campaigned now as much as it was during the 1800s. The connotation of feminism has been created to be a negative word .Just like people believe women should be equal to men, many others
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
William Shakespeare s A Chance Essay - 1977 Words
Throughout history, few writers have been as revered as William Shakespeare. His poetry and plays have survived centuries, and the ideas within his texts have birthed entire genres. However, as time progressed beyond the 16th century, so did the English language. Many words have fallen out of use while the definitions of other words have changed altogether. Many individuals are often frustrated when attempting to interpret the riddles of Shakespearean wordplay. Often, readers will give up before having truly given the beauty of Shakespeare’s writings a chance. Fortunately, the miracles of modern technologyâ€â€list the ones you will discuss between these dashes-- lend to students of Shakespeare the ability not only to grasp, interpret, and understand the written words, but this technology also gives new life in the mind’s eye, enabling students to more fully experience Shakespeare and the worlds he created without the trouble and expense of traveling to New York City or London and attending a production of the play. Biography of author: There is quite some mystery surrounding William Shakespeare. He was born April 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon in the United Kingdom, He had an early childhood not unlike most other’s his age. Part of a large family, his father, John, was a glove maker and tradesman. Like many, financial woes racked his family. In his early childhood, he studied â€Å"classical education of Greek mythology, Roman comedy, ancient history, rhetoric, grammar, Latin andShow MoreRelatedWhat Are We Supposed To Know? The Depiction of a Controversial Character and the Accuracy of a Historical Story972 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstand what happened in the past, you cannot help yourself in the future. William Shakespeare’s depiction of Julius Caesar is very controversial. It seems as if he gives the readers the chance to figure out if they like or dislike him. In the form of historical accuracy, Shakespeare is accurate with what he believes to be true. For Shakespeare, what he has written is accur ate for his location and time. Shakespeare is very confusing with his depiction of Caesar, the way Cassius spoke of CaesarRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. The main character, Hamlet, finds himself questioning the quality of life and the uncertainty of the afterlife once he discovers news of his father s death and the corruption in the kingdom that follows. Ophelia, Hamlet’s lover, is found dead later in the plot and is presumed to have committed suicide. In Hamlet’sRead MoreHamlet : William Shakespeare s Hamlet1259 Words  | 6 PagesChristopher Cook English 201-0810 Hamlet Paper 23 May 2016 Hamlet Character Analysis â€Å"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.†(Act 2, Scene 2, 239-251) Hamlet by William Shakespeare is one of the most famous plays written that conveys a multitude theme. But most predominant is the presence of Hamlet s obsession with philosophy of life, throughout the play Hamlet philosophy reviles his point of view love, loyalty, the importance of family and friends and last the pain that comesRead MoreEnglish Feature article on Shakespears Macbeth with reference to both play and Polanskis adaptation. Title: Windows changed through time.1199 Words  | 5 Pageschanged through time. A way to see the world through different eyes... In late 1606 or early 1607, The last of Shakespeare s four great tragedies was written. Macbeth has been said by many to be Shakespeare s darkest work, A Reflection through Shakespeare s mind giving us a window into Elizabethan ways of politics, Human violence and Human nature. Quiet relevantly Shakespeare would never have guessed that over 400 years later the basic morals and characteristics that were used to shapeRead MoreThe Main Beneficiary In Shakespeare’S Will Was Susanna,1256 Words  | 6 Pagesstrained father-daughter relationships. From this it is easy to gather that Shakespeare adored Susanna and loved her dearly. Had he not adored her, she more than likely would not have been mentioned in his will as often as she was and he would not have written plays based on her. William Shakespeare is credited with writing several plays throughout his lifetime. Some are certainly more well known than others. Shakespeare wrote comedies such as Tempest, Twelfth Night, and Midsummer Night’s Dream.Read MoreAnalysis Of Sax s Film Othello 1457 Words  | 6 PagesGeoffrey Sax s advanced retelling of William Shakespeare s Othello can control Shakespeare s unique ideas in spite of the time period and connection in which both writings happen, while investigating the all inclusive topics of prejudice, misogyny and force. Shakespeare s play reflects conventional Elizabethan connections and qualities in its investigation of such ideas amidst a catastrophe impelled on by misleading and desirously (Aebischer 12). On the other hand, Geoffrey Sax s 2001 representationRead MoreWilliam ShakespeareS Utilization Of Dialect Still Moves1664 Words  | 7 PagesWilliam Shakespeare s utilization of dialect still moves gatherings of people today, after 400 years. Four centuries of world-history, flooding with life, love, disaster, and misfortune, have breathed easy set the last accentuation stamp on Shakespeare s work. Researchers have concent rated his legacy, looking for a comprehension of why despite everything we give it a second thought, and, how it s conceivable that the plays have been performed in practically every dialect. Aside from his conspicuousRead MoreThe Development And Popularity Of The Elizabethan Theatre1289 Words  | 6 PagesI. Introduction Hook: What type of entertainment could have been available in the Elizabethan era without actors or tv? A. Elizabethan Era 1. Forms of Entertainment Elizabethan entertainment was very important to the people, as it gave them a chance to take a break form their hard lives. a. â€Å"Court entertainment was regular, often nightly occurrence combined with feasts, jousts, and banquets often occompainies by music and dancing. But the poor people enjoyed entertainment from acting toupesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet Essay1024 Words  | 5 PagesRomeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare early in his career about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. It was among Shakespeare s most popular plays during his lifetime and, along with Hamlet, is one of his most frequently performed plays. Today, the title characters are regarded as archetypal young lovers. Romeo and Juliet belongs to a tradition of tragic romances stretching back to antiquity. The plot is based on an ItalianRead MoreLove in Shakespeares Sonnets 18 and 130 Essay703 Words  | 3 PagesAlmost four hundred years after his death, William Shakespeares work continues to live on through his readers. He provides them with vivid images of what love was like during the 1600s. Shakespeare put virtually indescribable feelings into beautiful words that fit the specific form of the sonnet. He wrote 154 sonnets; all of which discuss some stage or feature of love. Love was the common theme during the time Shakespeare was writing. However, Shakespeare wrote about it in such a way that captivated
Monday, December 9, 2019
Hospitality and Hotel Management
Questions: Task 1:1.Identify the various social media methods utilized by the hotels we visited in week 2. 2.What are the different market segments they are communicating with via social media? 3.How do they engage with their customers via social media? 4.How do they handle both positive and negative feedback on social media? 5.If they are part of a larger chain, how does what they do fit in with the brand as a whole? Task 2:1.How are positive reviews handled? 2.How are negative reviews handled? 3.Identify a competitor property and compare to any of The Library Hotel Collection Do they handle their TripAdvisor reviews similarly or are they different? Answers: Task 1: 1. Various social media methods utilized by the hotels Casablanca Hotel NYC utilizing Gooogle+, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest and Instagram to connect with customers for the communication and to influence customers and to get in touch with them by uploading their services, photos, and receive feedback from customers ( Double tree by Hilton Chelsea is also using social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for their social communication with customers ( 2. Different market segments Casablanca Hotel and Double tree using social media for targeting luxury customers, corporate customers and business travelers as their customer (Erdomu, rem and Mesut p-1356). As both the hotels are offering high priced room with luxury, their main segment is a luxury customer. 3. Engagement with their customers via social media Both the hotels are trying to engage their customers through social media by offering their on-season and off-season offer to their customers and various photos and update on their hotels. They keep their accounts updated with their offerings and discounts for their regular and new customers as well (Erdomu, rem and Mesut p-1356). 4. Handling both positive and negative feedback Casablanca Hotel NYC and Double tree by Hilton deals with hundreds of customer every week. Maximum of customers give positive feedback for the services they provide, and few gives negative feedbacks also. Positive feedback motivates hotel to deliver more to the customers, and they receive positive feedback as motivation. Negative feedback helps to improve their services in future. They accept both feedbacks positively and deliver best out of that. 5. Do they fit to brand in large chain Casablanca and Double tree hotels are working in the very limited area around New York destination. But if they become a part of a larger chain, they can maintain the brand name with their services and stay in hotels. But initially, they may face some problem because they don't have the experience of different nations and the taste and preferences for the new destination. Task 2: 1. Handling positive feedback The four New York library hotel collection properties on Tripadvisor are the Library Hotel at Brayant Park, Casablanca Hotel Timesquare, Hotel Giraffe Maddison square and Hotel Elysee at Central Park. They handle their positive feedback as compliment and try to implement the positive feedback for improvement. These four hotel deals with different types of guest like business travelers, families, newly married couple and random travelers (Torres, et al., p -225) They concentrate over the entire customer and share all their positive feedback by all the four hotels to implement the positive feedback so as to give more comfortable stay to the regular and new customers. 2. Handling negative feedback The library hotel collection gets negative feedback also. For example during 2003-04 the difference between two hotels among this four were on different level; hotel Giraffe was at 3rd in rank by tripadvisor and one was at 56th. The library hotel collection called all the general managers, managing directors and leader of hotels and planned to consider all the negative comment for the improvement (Torres, et al., p-225). The four hotels managed negative feedback by applying the positive comments of one hotel for the improvement of another hotel. They recorded all the magic and special moments that gave satisfaction to guests and tried to implement that in all the hotels so that all the four properties of library collection can maintain same standard to avoid negative feedback. They implemented positive comments of Hotel Giraffe in Hotel Elysee for the improvement and brought all the company in same level. These four library collection properties provide best service with respect to c ustomer satisfaction among all other Hotels in NewYork city. 3. Competition from hotel Gresham Palace Hotel Giraffe in Maddison Square is one of the properties of the hotel library collection and having very high customer reputation on their infrastructure and services. Hotel Giraffe is 3rd in rank out of 331 hotels in NewYork city and getting competition from Hotel Gresham Palace, which is second in rank. Gresham Palace is offering top amenities and better location. Hotel Gresham Palace is neo classic palace situated in Hungary. Both the hotels are in neck to neck competition serving the luxury to business travelers and corporate customers. Following is the comparison between the services they are offering. Hotel Giraffe Four season hotel Gresham Palace Dream of love- romance package Business centre Complimentary continental breakfast Currency exchange office Wine and cheese reception Age-appropriate childrens amenities Stay longer save more offers Fitness facilities and spa Health club passes Early morning coffee service in the lobby Table 1: service comparison (Sources: created by Author) 4. Competitors feedback handling Four Season Hotel Gresham Palace also uses social media like TripAdvisor to get the review from the customers. In the hotel industry, almost every hotel follows same technique to handle the review from their customers (Ruizalba et al. p-11). Four seasons hotel Gresham Palace also takes positive feedback as a compliment to welcome customers again. And negative feedback is a scope for development to overcome the short coming of hotel reputation. The Library Hotel collection provides best customer feedback by mailing them or by making a call for the comfortable stay next time. Hotel service is always customer based, and they treat them as ultimate representative ( References Doubletree By Hilton - Find Hotel Rooms" N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. Erdomu, rem Eren, and Mesut Cicek. "The impact of social media marketing on brand loyalty."Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences58 (2012): 1353-1360. Ruizalba, Jos L., et al. "Internal market orientation: An empirical research in hotel sector."International Journal of Hospitality Management38 (2014): 11-19. The Casablanca Hotel Times Square - OFFICIAL SITE - Best Luxury Boutique Hotel New York" N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016. Torres, Edwin N., et al. "The Use of Consumer-Generated Feedback in the Hotel Industry: Current Practices and Their Effects on Quality."International Journal of Hospitality Tourism Administration16.3 (2015): 224-250. Tripadvisor: Read Reviews, Compare Prices Book" N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Mar. 2016.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Marketing Plan for Water Sensitive Nail Polish
Introduction Following a detailed market research on customer behavior and consumption dynamics of nail polish, we have identified the need to provide customers with a unique brand of nail polish that can easily be removed using water.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Plan for Water Sensitive Nail Polish specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through surveys and interviews, many users of nail polish products expressed concern about the additional costs that were incurred on nail polish removers. Some of them are sold at higher prices than the polish itself. This paper presents a marketing plan for a new nail polish that will save consumers unnecessary removal costs. Company Overview Founded in 1981 by Essie Weingarten, the original idea was to create an all-in-one fun and classic nail polish brand based on color differentiation. The founder filled a market niche that other brands had not identified. The Essie brand was sold to L’Orà ©al in 2010. The change of ownership made the brand penetrate into markets that were reachable by more customers including Target and Walgreens that employed masterpiece display methods for Essie products. L’Oreal has expanded worldwide taking the products to the international arena, a situation that made a great effect on the nail polish industry. This year, the Essie Company is planning to launch a brand new nail polish to reach low middle-class consumers who have been segregated by existing brands. The research reveals that venturing into this market will help increase the economies of scale besides promoting brand awareness among low-income earners. The new product will help consumers save a substantial amount of money on nail polish removers. Following its merger with L’Orà ©al in 2010, the Essie Company expanded significantly, reaching international markets. Currently, the company has over 90 outlets and 250,000 salons globally.A dvertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Industry Analysis Nail polish industry seeks to create good looks, especially amongst women, in terms of colors that match with factors such as moods, outfit, and season among other girly preferences. The industry has been booming gradually over the past three decades with many players flocking the industry with unique brands and marketing strategies. Numerous market surveys have shown that consumption of nail polish has increased since 2012 with brands intensifying marketing campaign using new advertisement technologies such as the internet. Statistically, 35% of the nail polish users consume over 27 bottles of nail polish annually. This state of affairs can be attributed to the rapid changes in modern fashion. Consumers of almost at status ranging from celebrities to young girls use nail polish. Essie group is among the leading brands as it continues to revolutionize the industry with innovative product development. The brand has reached diversified markets through Target and Walgreens stores; hence, competing favorably with other brands such as the OPI, Revlon, and Sally Hansen. Collecting Information and Forecasting Demand The Essie Company collects information regarding market dynamics and consumption trends in a bid make informed decisions prior to the launching of new products. This part presents the information collected in 2014 as the company focuses on the demand behavior of the new nail polish. The 2014 report on the nails industry statistics depicted a fast booming sector with expenditures on nail polish climbing from $8.28 in 2013 to 8.54 billion in 2014. Experts liken this growth to the tattoo industry by claiming that nail care is a form of self-expression (Redding, 2014). The products themselves were the sole drivers of the above-mentioned growth. Notably, Gel polish was shown to have revolutionized the nail industry.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Marketing Plan for Water Sensitive Nail Polish specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Through intensive market research, especially on the technology involved in the nail polish industry, it has been revealed that customers wish for a beauty product that takes less than 10 minutes in removal. The social media was deemed powerful in increasing brand awareness for numerous beauty firms including Essie and L’Oreal through viral sharing of the artistic nail work. Most recently, Essie offered a nail polish contest, taking the nail art to the social media and streets. In fact, nail art forms one among the five most tagged and shared pictures on Pinterest and Instagram (Redding, 2014). Market growth was recorded among women aged between 26 and 35 years with girls between 16 and 25 years-old coming second in nail polish usage. The report reveals that the growth has been i mmensely contributed by the youths who are highly associated with the social media. In this regard, Essie brand aims to concentrate on this group through maintain a consistent online presence. Recently, there have been sponsored Twitter accounts popping up in every user’s account. This strategy intensified advertising campaigns for the cosmetic companies. Constant research on the behaviors of the online community is essential as it provides an insight into the advertisers’ choice of the medium and methodology. Identifying Market Segments and Targets The analysis of consumer behavior is a vital concept particularly in creating demand and moving a new product. It involves studying the prevailing demographics, psychographics, and consumer behaviors in the target market. This analysis contributes significantly to the successful entry of a new product. The Essie brand enterprise conducts occasional consumer analysis to ensure sustainable and consistent sales output. The new product targets women aged between 16 and 34 years. This age bracket comprises the main consumers of cosmetic products.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Essie targets a particular class of consumer’s who welcome the idea of removing nail polish with affordable materials such as water. Moreover, the Nail polish will be available for all consumers including users in fashion, TV, and movie shows who are important advertisers of the company’s products. Essie does rigorous market surveys through many avenues such as the social media forums, its interactive websites, and mass media shows to learn customer behaviors and monitor changes in consumption trends. This strategy helps in aligning product design and development to match the consumer needs. Through demographic analysis, the company has moved its other products successfully through its dedicated stores and outlets in 65 countries. The new product comes in diversified colors. The company acknowledges its customers’ different color preferences including the queen of England’s preference, ‘Ballet Slippers’. This fact explains the significance th at Essie attaches to its customer analysis. In addition, the Essie brand is recognized for its iconic shades that marry with the different countries in which its products revolve. The brand boasts of an unshakable reputation for its classic colors. In this regard, moving the new cost-effective product is optimistically a walkover. Creating Demand Brand creation is a significant aspect of any business. The Essie Company boats of a globally renowned brand name. However, the company intends to incorporate a robust brand campaign throughout its markets to stimulate the demand for the product. Advertising is a brand campaign and marketing strategy that has been in use for many years. It uses mainstream media including TV shows, in between news, billboards, and web-based internet advertising among others (Panzone Tiffin, 2012). The Essie Company has learned from the past that it has failed in advertising. However, the company is committed to allocating funds for promotions and advertisin g. The brand is eyeing emerging teen celebrities in the music and movie industries including Arian Grande, Charlie XCX, and Justin Bieber among others. This strategy has worked successfully for other brands including Sally Hansen brand. The innovative brand will also be advertised in superior magazines such as the Forbes and Glamour among others to seek more reputation and customer base. Blogging is also an important method of advertising that has been used extensively by many businesses (Tang, 2014). The Essie Cosmetics Ltd aims at establishing partnerships with experienced beauty bloggers to increase online presence as it targets the online community. Internet technology has played a crucial role in creating advertisement forums, especially in the last 5 to 10 years. Many users deem the strategy a powerful marketing tool in the twenty-first century. Blogging will help Essie to gain more customers that are loyal. A research that was conducted by Redding (2014) showed that the onlin e community respects beauty bloggers as products featured in blogs paint a lasting image in the consumer’s mind. Establishing collaborations with respected bloggers can propel Essie towards the creation of demands from non-interested clients. It can also create positive perceptions of potential customers thereby adding up to the existing customer base. Setting Product Strategy The company’s innovative product will be hit the market with a broad range of colors that will offer a variety of choices to consumers. The Essie Cosmetics Ltd is renowned for the creation of products that match different moods and fashion outfits at reasonable prices. The new product is designed for the diverse consumer demographics with both luxury and affordable products coming in already recognized colors worldwide. In the past five years, fashion has changed rigorously, especially with innovative beauty technology including magnetic enhanced nail polish introduced by Essie and the most recen t shade shifter launched by ORLY, which changes color with different environments and temperatures (Redding, 2014). With the new product being highly affordable, the company projects increased profitability in the near future. The industry is currently booming with brands coming up with tech-savvy products that seek to attain a competitive edge over each other. The growth potential of the industry remains steady and promising. In fact, the use nail polish has been in existence for numerous centuries with products getting better with each unique innovation Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs Marketing mix entails four strategic marketing practices that a new product goes through to reach target markets successfully. The 4Ps include product, price, place, and promotion (Panzone Tiffin, 2012). The water-resistant nail polish will enter the market in over 250 colors. The price for the nail polish will be differentiated based on the class of the targeted consumers and market segm ents. For the low-income earners, the nail polish will retail at $4 while for the upper-class consumers, it will retail at $8. The difference in price will be guided by the benefit that the upper and middle-class segment will enjoy, which will not be available for the other classes of consumers. Place refers to the geographical areas where consumers can obtain the product (Tang, 2014). The water resistant nail polish will be available in many beauty stores worldwide. The leading outlets in New York including Target and Walgreens will sell the new product. It will also reach worldwide markets in a period not exceeding twelve months through shipping that commences in a month’s time. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Channels (Distribution) The Essie Cosmetics Ltd wishes to use the established L’Orà ©al’s platform to attain robust and irreversible market entry and growth. In fact, the company expanded more than just a salon brand with the help of Lâ€⠄¢Oreal. The new product will reach more people in diverse and extensive markets including stores and cities worldwide. In addition, the new products will be available in both Target and Walgreens stores, which have recently become the main outlet stores for Essie’s products. In less than six months, the new product is expected to be available in 250,000 stores in 60 countries around the world. Essie uses a variety of distribution channels including warehousing and supply to retail outlets. International distribution is done through shipping to the different whole sellers and leading stores in the countries where Essie is represented. In fact, through L’Orà ©al, the Essie Cosmetics Ltd sells more than 50 products every second. With this apt marketing campaign, the company is highly optimistic that the new nail product will make a huge impact on nail polish markets globally. Through its diverse iconic ambassadors such as Beyoncà © Knowles and Jenifer Lopez among many others, L’Orà ©al moves beauty products rapidly given the celebrity perspective created worldwide. Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications Through the help of L’Orà ©al, the Essie Cosmetics Ltd will employ apt marketing programs and promotion campaigns with a view of creating sustainable demand for the new product. Together with the reputable brand name, the promotional efforts will yield desirable results. The proactive programs will include the creation of integrated and interactive online presence including Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Tang, 2014). The Essie Company acknowledges the significance of social media platforms in the contemporary business world. Among the many functions it executes, social media marketing provides an interactive communication and diverse views and feedback from the consumers regarding tastes, preferences, satisfactions, recommendations, and expectations of the products (Redding, 2014). The information gathered from the clients is vital as manufacturers focus on adjusting product aspects to suit their tastes. Managing the Marketing Effort Marketing Objectives and Goals The introduction of the new water sensitive nail polish is in line with the company’s strategic objectives to increase brand awareness, reach a wider customer base, command brand loyalty through affordable beauty, scale up profitability, and satisfy a neglected market niche. Financial Objectives To increase Essie’s profit margin by 4% in 18 months To penetrate the low-income earners’ market with the new product with a view to increasing the brand’s sales by approximately 20% in 18 months Marketing Objectives To increase brand awareness particularly through e-transformation including social media, e-commerce, and blogging To compete favorably with the O.P.I brand in Fashion shows and movies To create demand for the new product through affordable pricing Competitor Analysis The main dir ect competitors of the Essie Company include the O.P.I Nail Lacquers and Sally Hansen. The former is the leading premium nail polish brand that is highly recognized for its divergent collections differentiated in terms of countries, fashion trends, TV shows, and movies. Through collaboration with the movie and fashion shows, the brand has established itself in high grounds that others have not reached for many years. The brand employs unique selling and marketing strategies. For instance, salons can only purchase O.P.I products through the company’s website. In addition, the brand is renowned for demand creation and desire. Sally Hansen is a specialized all-in-one beauty brand whose business centers on nail therapy. They combine nail polish with the tools for manicure and pedicure. This combination gives the brand a competitive advantage over others such as Essie that sell nail polish only. The Sally Hansen Company manufactures and distributes cosmetics such as topcoats and m anicure gels among others. This brand competes closely with Essie’s Insta-Dri that sells in drugstores where the new Essie product is expected to enter just like the other products of the company. Sally and Hansen have colonized many towns that Essie has not reached. This situation has made the brand a stronger competitor for Essie. In addition, the brand enjoys an extensive customer loyalty since its product movement is not hindered by demographic factors. Research indicates that customers of diverse ages, races, income levels, and different preferences accept Essie’s products. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is a summary of an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to its micro and macro-environments (Panzone Tiffin, 2012). Strengths Customer loyalty. Essie brands boasts of a strong reputation that has created a strong customer loyalty for its products for many years. This competitive advantage will contribute to the success ful penetration of the new nail polish into the market. Reasonable price: All products of the Essie Cosmetics Limited are sold at friendly prices. Its affordable pricing strategy has proved successful in product selling and distribution. Numerous avenues for customer buying. Essie products can be purchase online and in the many stores in different countries around the world. Diversity of colors that their customers have treasured. Essie’s products come in more than 250 colors. Diverse consumers and distributors. Essie products are sold to both retailers and whole sellers. In addition, the outlets are highly differentiated to serve the different markets dynamics. Some of the high-end outlets include the Target and Walgreens. Weaknesses Less vibrant advertising strategies (Redding, 2014). The Essie Cosmetics Ltd lags behind in advertising its products as opposed to its close competitors. For instance, the O.P.I Company uses movies and TV shows to advertise its products. It wa s not until most recently that L’Oreal started integrating Essie products in its known advertising campaigns including the use of iconic brand ambassadors. Essie products are available almost in every beauty shop. This situation makes it appear like a cheap brand (Redding, 2014). The product will come in already many existing colors that are well known by the consumers. Therefore, recognizing it as a new product will not be at a glance. This limitation can slow the product’s movement; hence, slowing the sales. Opportunities Essie’s new product can command a bigger market if it comes with various tools and Gel kits. The brand has other market gaps to fill such as introducing nail polish brands such as nail pencils, nail tape, and nail therapy among other trendy innovations. Through collaborations and mergers such as movie shows, fashion shows, and TV shows, the brand can achieve higher targets. Threats The biggest threat for the new product is the competiti on presented by other established and vibrant brands. People can perceive the new product removable by water as a low quality product. Missing out significant market trends such as nailing pens and manicures puts the brand in a low profile as far as brand awareness is concerned. Customer Service The Essie Cosmetics Ltd offers personalized services to its customers (Tang, 2014). It has agents in all stores worldwide including Target and Walgreens whereby they assist customers in choosing their preferences from the displays. They also perform demonstrations on the application of the nail polish products. The agents are highly trained in product handling and use. As a result, they provide professional services to the esteemed customers. In addition, the Essie brand has recently acknowledged the increasing importance of online customer support that is cheap, instant, and effective. With the changing purchasing and consumption behavior and increasing importance of interactive marketing strategies, the brand intends to increase its online presence through assigning tech-savvy agents to represent the company’s interests in the web. In a campaign to launch the new promising product, the Essie Cosmetics Ltd will allocate a substantial budget that will hasten the product recognition through both direct and virtual customer supports (Tang, 2014). Expense Forecast To achieve the aforementioned marketing strategy, Essie brand has allocated $500,000. The following table extrapolates the usage of the funds in a bid to achieve a successful product launch and support promotion and distribution. A great portion of the allocation will be spent on product distribution and placement both locally and overseas. The rest of the money will cater for product promotion, advertising, and increasing online presence as well as customer support (Redding, 2014). The firm also intends to open a YouTube channel where customers and the public can access press releases, new product infor mation, and demos. It will also provide a platform for customers to share their videos with the company (Tang, 2014). Together with other strategies, there is an expected creation of more demand and strengthening of the renowned brand name for Essie. The firm’s new product will boast of the established and working marketing avenues that include more than 250 stores available in 60 countries. Activity Allocated amount ($) (p.a.) Overseas Distribution 250,000 Local Distribution 125,000 Blogger Advertising 25,000 TV shows Advertising 50,000 Online Presence 25,000 Customer Support 25,000 Market Forecast The company’s management is aware of emerging economies, especially in China and Vietnam. Plans are underway to establish stores in those markets to offer both luxury and affordable products. Given the rising class of wealthy men in these markets catapulted by the growing markets, any firm can benefit significantly in the near future. Critical Issues The n ew product is not likely to pick as speculated in the first and second quarter; hence, the firm can incur costs during the sluggish period (Panzone Tiffin, 2012). The revenue obtained from other products will be used to support the sluggish period. This situation will most likely shrink the company’s profit margin. However, the firm’s potential of rapid sales for the new product is optimistically high, as other products have surpassed the management’s expectation in the past with quick recognition and acceptance by the consumers. Conclusion The purpose of this marketing plan is to exhibit the organization’s marketing strategies and product placement in the market. From the aforementioned, the report has revealed that the firm will employ robust strategies besides embracing e-transformation in the modern day business practice. The company has a strong brand name and customer loyalty all over the world. This situation gives the enterprise a competitive adv antage over the rivals. It has shown how the allocated funds will be used in distribution and promotion of the brand new one of its water resistant nail polish. Reference List Kast, C., Lavinthal, A., Ruderman, Z., Fields, J. (2014). Beauty Watch. People, 81(25), 79-86. Panzone, L., Tiffin, R. (2012). The Impact of Price Promotions on Producer Strategies in Markets with Large Product Heterogeneity. Agribusiness, 28(4), 421-439. Redding, M. (2014). Nail Consumers Demand Newness. Beauty Packaging, 19(1), 58-65. Tang, W. (2014). Nail Tech. Flare, 36(7), 50. 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