Monday, January 27, 2020
Pros And Cons Of North America Free Trade Marketing Essay
Pros And Cons Of North America Free Trade Marketing Essay This report provides an analysis of the current and prospective profitability, pros and cons of North America Fee Trade Agreement. The analysis also includes the origins, objectives trend, and the advantages as the comparative advantages, standard living and nation policy, together with the disadvantages such as the deep analysis about the job loss in United State and the human right and nature. Other supporting ideas includes the detail information about the profit that this agreement bring to the people in US, Canada, Mexico and the wide countries, its purposes and goals, or the return from the investment as well as the loss. All the related detail and calculation can be found in the appendices. General earning from this free trading also estimated below industry averages. In particular, comparative performances in the areas of the markets control as well as the evaluations from NAFTA. The report finds the prospects of this agreement in its current position are evaluating and developing. The major areas of weakness require further investigation and remedial action by governments. Besides that, because NAFTA has many pros, governments also need to adapt and try to reduce the bad effect to countries which already become the one union. The report also investigates some limitations that NAFTA had through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are the connection between the government and companies, which lead to the fact that many companies have the disadvantages without the supporting by the union if they choose to stand independently. Furthermore, the lack of attention to the right of human due to the rush and overwhelm working hour and their insurances are low and unfair which develops by the maquiladora programs from NAFTA. II. Introduction. Origins. According to Paulette L. Stenzel (2010), The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement signed on January 1, 1994 within the 3 three countries United States, Canada, and Mexico which become the largest free trade area in the World (GDP). NAFTAs purposes are reducing the trading costs, increasing the business investment and help North America to achieve a wider position in the global marketplace. When these three countries signed NAFTA, US and Canada had agreed to sign the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and added this agreement into NAFTA. Because of CFTA, there will be a change in place of the agricultural trade before NAFTA. Most of the food in United State and Canada became duty free on January 1, 1998. NAFTA began the implementation on January 1st, 1994 and going to be develop in 15 years.  Objectives. Some of the objectives from the agreement include the tariffs eliminate on the trading between Canada, US and Mexico and prepare a standards the provision of national treatment for other signatory countries foreign investors. Furthermore, to ensure markets secure access with the improvement on the settlement mechanism of the dispute, this agreement also help the member countries companies to have more procurement opportunities to increase the access of the government. In addition, NAFTA improves the professionals of business people and their cross-border movement within some selected countries to be stronger in protection of intellectual property right. A vast of new business opportunities had opened up by NAFTA for the three partner countries and other countries that want to enter North American market. Based on this, the investors come from other countries stay at a location in Canada can have the ability to attend the whole area of North American market. Moreover, NAFTA has an entry in force which said that the significant increases experienced by the parties a in the goods and services trade among them. There also an agreement from the three Customs Administrations about NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations (the Regulations) and the Rules of Origin of the NAFTA. In the worsened conditions of the economic in 2008; during the U.S. Presidential campaign, NAFTA became a hot issue again. Senators Hillary Clinton a democratic candidates and Barack Obama both blamed the loss of American jobs manufacturing to NAFTA and make a suggestion about the renegotiated for this term which will need to include the higher labor cost and the environmental standards. III. NAFTA pros and cons. Advantages. It is no doubt to say the most advantages that NAFTA bring to 450 million people in the U.S., Canada and Mexico is the free entrance in trading not only in their own country zone but also in the worldwide market place. With the national policies which support those countries with lower cost in export and import, it is responsible for $1.6 trillion in goods and services annually. It also decreases the inflation by reducing the cost of import to have more view, lets look into the figure of United States economy via the data of GDP rate which increased steadily 5% a year; it is the clear evidence to show the advantages the NAFTA bring to their countries. Comparative advantages. According to David Ingram (2009), NAFTA helps international trade to eliminate the tariffs between members countries by boasting the natural advantages that they owned. This means that they can low down the cost of production line and provide to the consumers more reasonable price of product because of cheap materials come from their natural resources advantages. U.S is famous for their high quality consumers good with low cost, while the strength of Mexico is agricultural product such as foods and crops. NAFTA eliminates the tariff between two countries so that US can purchase the crops and poultry with cheap price from Mexican, while Mexican can buy the cheap consumer product with high quality from US also. Thanks to NAFTA, agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico grew from 22% of total U.S. farm exports in 1993 to 30% in 2007. Standard living. NAFTAS goal is to reduce tariffs among Mexico, Canada, and the United States over a period of years, making it easier to trade goods across national borders, and increasing economic efficiency in North America. It clearly deserve the strong support of all those who believe in liberty and free markets. Moreover the standard living of people in those countries has risen day by day together with the demand of high quality produce comes from US (Freedman, 2004). NAFTA provides the free market with high demand of product, which will lead to the risen in the number of jobs needs. 25000 jobs are created for any additional billion dollars the US export. Over 150000 new jobs associated with NAFTA were reported during the last 5 years (Shahabbuhin, 2003). Nation policy. Free trade innovation will give nation the chance to step closer to each others and be more active in coordination. It also helps to reduce the rate of illegal immigration and international smuggling from nation to nation. Moreover, NAFTA protect the intellectual property right of members nation with their own policies regulations. Disadvantages. Job loss in United State. Many manufacturers in United State had to move jobs to lower-cost Mexico with lowered wages, manufacturers still competed in industries. NAFTA did not support enough for Mexican labour and environment protection and caused the lost of manufacturers 1.3 million farm jobs in Mexico. The organization exported corn and other grains with low-cost so Mexicos farms reduced output from 33.2% in 1990 below 13.2% in 2001. So many rural Mexico s farmers refused to cooperate with NAFTA because they could not compete with the other as well. Moreover because Mexicos labour were cheap, many manufacturers in United State chose to move the place they put all of their production line. It leads to the fact that bbetween 1994 and 2010; Mexico totalled $97.2 billion, were displacing 682,900 by U.S. jobs. About 80% manufacturers were in trouble situation such as: California, New York, Michigan and Texas. Besides, the companies did not move to Mexico they selected one of two options: belonging to the union or losing the factory. And they without supporting by the union so they had so many disadvantages to compete with little bargain power. Human right and nature. NAFTA opened many maquiladora programs where employees were paid low salary and exploited with more 12 working hours in a day. These workers have no labor rights or health protections, workdays stretch out 12 hours or more, and if you are a woman, you could be forced to take a pregnancy test when applying for a job, according to Continental Social Alliance. On the other hand, with manufacturing products influenced on environment directly in Mexico because of using fertilizers and other chemicals. So enviroment took pollution and they spent more 36 billion each year to deal with environmental consequences. NAFTA are many pros so the union should adapt and reduce bad effects to countries which belong to the one. IV. Conclusion. From the former paragraph we can see that NAFTA was established for 18 years from 1994. During this period, we can know NAFTA has its own advantages and disadvantages. In 10 years, NAFTA promotes the economy of Mexico, but Mexico still need a long time to catch up with another two countries. And Mexico should catch this chance and invest in education, telecom and innovation, America and Canada should avoid the risks to create the bigger business opportunities. All in all, NATFA should be kept and develop, it will promote the economy in North America.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Art as Expression Essay -- Art
Artists are central to cultural, political and social discourses in the world. They are here not only to inspire us, but to provoke us as well. Four artists that broke social, political and cultural barriers were, Rene Magritte, John Heartfield Jackson Pollock and Otto Dix. While the artists were involved in different movements, each one made revolutionary statements with their works. Artists have a responsibility to use their works as a weapon to the status quo and to break these cultural and social barriers. Rene Magritte and John Heartfield were important figures to the Surrealist movement. Surrealism was a movement that developed after World War II and as a result, society was requesting art that was of the ‘norm’ to give the world a sense of stability. As a reaction to this request, the artists helped influence the Surrealist movement. It is often described as rebellious, idiosyncratic, dream-like and emotional. Maggritte’s thought-provoking pieces, and Heartfield’s anti-war messages all sent a strong message to society. Rene Magritte was a Belgian surrealist painter who was known for painting thought-provoking works that require viewers to question the most mundane aspects of life, including familiar objects such as a tobacco pipe. Magritte wanted his viewers to question the perceptions of reality and if art has the ability to truly represent an object. He believed that even the best artists could not paint an object, because it would always only be a representation of that image. If an artist drew an apple, it was only a representation of an apple, because the viewer could not eat it. In 1929, Magritte painted â€Å"The Treachery of Images†; at first glance appears to be an advertisement of a tobacco product, but underneath t... ...uld be considered: what would the art world look like now if no artist took a risk to express his or her political and social ideologies? Would artists just be creating art their society wants? Would there be any rebellion? Pollock would have painted with a paintbrush, Magritte would not have questioned our perceptions of reality and Dix and Heartfield would not have questioned the motives of politics. It is critical for artists to push these limits, no matter the criticism they will endure. The power behind the arts has been its ability to be a vehicle for expression and it should continue to do just that. Works Cited Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. 1st ed. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2011. Print. Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. 2nd ed. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2011. Print.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Cyclist Poem
â€Å"The Cyclist†poetry commentary â€Å"The Cyclist†is a poem by Louis MacNeice which romanticizes the fleeting joys of childhood. These joys are emphasised through imagery of summer – be it activities, food, the beach, a bicycle ride, various techniques such as juxtaposition and enjambment are used to evoke fond memories from the reader. MacNeice’s poem is set in the southwest of England, on a hill with a chalk horse carved into it. It is during the height of summer, when the grasshoppers are buzzing and the children are playing outside. The character is a boy or a group of boys, and they are riding bicycles down a hill near to the chalk horse.The structure of the poem is quite disjointed, with only five sentences throughout three stanzas. Enjambment is used extensively to further reinforce the idea of a out of breath child, as by not ending each line with a full stop the poet is enticing the reader to continue and hear what this breathless child has to say. The use of time in â€Å"The Cyclist†is used to reinforce the notion that the pleasures of summer are temporary. In the first stanza, for example, on line 7, â€Å"but these five minutes†is a reference to both the comparatively short time of childhood and the rapid rush down the hill during summer. Also read: How to be Old Swenson AnalysisTime is again mentioned in line 24 (â€Å"For ten seconds more†) to remind the reader that time is ever-present, and that ageing is impossible to avoid for a child as adulthood draws every closer (emphasised in the decrease of time from five minutes to ten seconds). In general, the speaker in â€Å"The Cyclist†appears to be speaking as a child; he overuses and ‘accidentally’ mixes up words. For instance, on line 4 the speaker says â€Å"In the heat of the handlebars he grasps the summer†. This is plainly a child’s error, and it makes no sense as it is – it should be ‘heat of the summer he grasps the handlebars’.Another example of this is during the last stanza, where the speaker is describing various ways to enjoy the summer, he states â€Å"chase it with butterfly nets or strike [†¦ ] little red ball or gulp [†¦ ] cream /Or drink†(lines 18-20). This overuse of â⠂¬Å"or†again shows the flustered excitement when a child is overloaded with activities; they can’t possibly even speak fast enough to experience them all over the course of one short summer. The experiences which are breathlessly listed are all typical summertime activities, such as catching butterflies, playing cricket, eating summer fruits with cream or enjoying a ool drink in the shade. All of these activities are typically not long-lasting: butterflies slip out of nets, breath cannot be held underwater for long, and food and drink generally do not last long with hungry children around. Therefore, MacNeice is reinforcing the idea that childhood and summertime are fleeting joys which can only be carelessly enjoyed for a so long, and they should be savoured. There is interesting juxtaposition and repetition in the last four lines: repetition of â€Å"calmly†and juxtaposition between calm/stillness and movement.The last four lines also describe the feeling of p eace while you coast along on a bike with no need to pedal after having sped down a hill. â€Å"For ten seconds more can move as the horse in the chalk†means he can be still while still ‘galloping’ (as the horse carved into the hill is galloping, and yet cannot move). â€Å"Calmly regardless of tenses and final clauses†– again grammar is mentioned which refers to the â€Å"forgotten sentence†of school. The final line, â€Å"Calmly unendingly moves. †, is a reference to the horse carved into the hillside.This idea is strengthened in the first line, with â€Å"unpassing horse†. â€Å"unpassing†gives the idea that while the horse is constantly moving, it never actually moves. The fact that the poem both begins and ends with reference to this horse shows that it is one of main ideas of the poem. And so the horse remains there, seemingly for all eternity, fixed in its graceful stride, calmly, unendingly moving. Further jux taposition can also be found in the opposites of â€Å"Left-right-left†, which comes in as the poem approaches its end.It shows the child slowing down and needing to pedal to keep moving, as â€Å"Left-right-left†is the motion needed to turn the pedals one full circle. â€Å"And reaching the valley the boy must pedal again†(line 22) shows that the joys of summer are brief, and they only come once the ‘hill’ (seasons) has done a full cycle and the cyclist has returned himself to the crest of the hill. Water is a symbol which is heavily used in the second stanza and the beginning of the third stanza. It is used to show the innocence of childhood; the purity before the child becomes ‘polluted’ by reality and is forced to ‘pedal’ back up the hill of life.The second stanza begins with imagery of a meadow which quickly transforms into an ocean: â€Å"The grass boils with grasshoppers, a pebble /Scutters from under the wheelâ⠂¬ . The wonderfully poetic language assists in the seamless transition from meadow to ocean: the rolling grass hills are likened the boiling waves (heated by the sun), and the pebbles are compared with crabs, scuttering away to escape the bike’s wheel. The â€Å"boys riding their heat-wave†creates a picture of a surfer, â€Å"feet on a narrow plank and hair thrown back†.The narrow plank creates ambiguity, as the reader is not sure if the poet it referring to a surfboard or the pedals on a bike. The â€Å"spattered white†countryside spoken about on the previous line draws parallels between white caps on the ocean, the boys (whose skin colour would stand out against the green or blue) and the white chalk horses carved into the hills. The â€Å"heat-wave†is a play on words by MacNeice, as the real meaning is a period of exceptionally hot weather which usually occurs in summer. In this context though, it has a double meaning of figuratively Ã¢â‚¬Ë œsurfing’ on the ‘wave’ while ‘riding’ the wave on a bicycle.This water imagery then flows over into the next stanza, pulling the reader forward in the current of the poem, as it depicts the cyclist with a â€Å"surf of dust†(line 17) beneath him, more like a wave than a cloud of dust. The continuation of the sentence into the next stanza is another way MacNeice draws the reader onwards. The animals referred to throughout the poem are all typical summer creatures: grasshoppers chirping on a hot summers’ day, dragonflies suspended in the haze, horses running free over the hills, butterflies floating back and forth, crabs scuttling along a beach.These symbols reinforce MacNeice’s image of a perfect summertime. The poem as a whole – but especially the first stanza – likens life to a text or piece of writing, combined with the fleeting exhilaration of childhood: â€Å"Between the horizon’s brackets†, with the â€Å"main sentence†of adult life to be â€Å"picked up later†. The use of grammatical terms such as â€Å"brackets†, â€Å"parenthesis†and â€Å"tenses and final clauses†reminds the reader that school and education is always in the back of a child’s mind, not wanting for the summer to end.Through the use of poetic techniques such as juxtaposition and enjambment, MacNeice has created parallels between the joys of childhood and the fun of whizzing down a hill on a bicycle. Water imagery, the majority of which is found in the second paragraph, is used to show that summer enjoyment is not only limited to the meadows of southwest England, but can be enjoyed by the beach or surfing in the ocean. In â€Å"The Cyclist†Louis MacNeice seeks to make an initially light-hearted statement about the fun in being a child which slowly shifts into a more contemplative, melodramatic declaration of the inevitability of ageing and the passage of time.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The State Should Enforce Voluntary Slavery Essay - 1999 Words
This essay will examine the question of whether the state should enforce voluntary slavery contracts. I will first explain why Nozick thinks that it’s permissible for the state to allow voluntary slavery. Then, I will discuss Satz’s strongest objection against Nozick’s argument and argue why Satz’s response is ineffective. Finally, I will argue that the state should allow one to voluntarily sell himself into a permanent condition of slavery as the state should respect the slave’s freedom to choose how to live his life. I will also consider one response an egalitarian might pose to my objection and ultimately dismiss that response. Part 1: A libertarianist’s response for why the state should allow voluntary slavery: In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Nozick argues that the state should allow one to voluntarily sell himself into slavery on the basis that the individual voluntarily makes the choice himself, and no one has made the choice for another person (Nozick 331). In a free system, each person has inviolable right towards self-ownership. The state shouldn’t violate people’s rights by inhibiting exchanges voluntarily carried out between consenting adults (Nozick 163). Nozick’s notion of voluntary slavery refers to a contract formed between two consenting adults in which a slave has rescinded his self-ownership: the slave has given consent to the owner to use the slave as a means to an end, and the slave has become part of the owner’s property. According to Nozick’sShow MoreRelatedThe Ideals and Philosophies of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois1487 Words  | 6 Pagesth e country to study exactly what the United States are even writing that he â€Å"touched the very shadow of slavery†(Monteiro 2010). He gained invaluable knowledge and with this he began to teach what he had learned. Immediately he began attacking the very concepts that had founded the United States. He found his biggest issues with the current paradigms in education and capitalism. 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