Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Stratigic Management - McDonalds Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Stratigic Management - McDonalds - Assignment Example The investigation of these components can uncover the inner qualities and shortcomings of an organization (Barnat, â€Å"Internal Organizational Analysis†). McDonald’s is one of the greatest drive-thru eateries with client base of 47 million. McDonald’s works in just about 119 nations on the planet. It has convoluted dissemination channel and its supplier’s arrange is spread all through the world. McDonald’s advertising technique means to raise the deals and to keep up its image picture. McDonald’s continually change the techniques as indicated by the customer’s tastes, way of life and suppositions. McDonald’s is very congenial in nations where individuals are touchy towards expending different nourishments, for instance, the market of India (Scribd, â€Å"Internal Analysis on Macdonald’s†). ... In the year 2006, McDonald’s had confronted analysis in Japan in light of including illegal nourishments and exploitative shading of crusty fruit-filled treats. Another pundit expressed that McDonald’s and its other cheap food contenders unsettled local cooking and created indistinguishable global culture. Also, McDonald’s had confronted awful notoriety in light of undesirable food and awful representative connection in a significant number of their outlets. There was protest against McDonald’s for making individuals work for lower compensation (Gibison, â€Å"McDonald’s: A Good Image with Bad Ethics†). Area 3: inside and out Internal Analysis Resource Based View of McDonald’s The advertising methodology of McDonald’s depends on the inner assets. Unmistakable Resources: Product: concerning cheap food items there are numerous decisions for a client. Consequently, McDonald’s centers around making a menu that a large portion of the purchasers require just as like. McDonald’s consistently inspect the inclinations of clients as the inclinations change every once in a while. To encourage the adjustment in inclination, McDonald’s consistently grow new items and supplant old items (McDonald’s Corporation, â€Å"Marketing at McDonald’s†). Impalpable Resources: Brand Reputation: McDonald’s has great brand notoriety. In the year 2008, it was positioned number eight among other universal brands. It had positioned in first situation among other inexpensive food global brands. The brand esteem was determined to be around 49,499 million USD. In the cheap food markets of North America, McDonald’s brand was positioned in seventh position (Millward Brown Optimor, â€Å"Top 10 0 B rand Ranking†). In the year 2010, McDonald’s brand was positioned 6th in the year 2010, among ‘most important worldwide brands’ (Social Brand Value, â€Å"Brand
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Moral Accountability Essays (1596 words) - Social Philosophy
Moral Accountability Arthur Washburne Prologue to Philosophy Moral Accountability Profound quality relies upon the capacity of a person to pick among great and underhandedness, along these lines, involving opportunity of the will and the ethical duty of the person for his activities. It is clear this is so for the individual, however shouldn't something be said about gatherings and governments? Do they can pick among great and malice, do they have unrestrained choice and in this way are they dependent upon indistinguishable ideal models of ethical quality from the individual or does a self-governing profound quality apply. Imagine a scenario in which we relate this idea of profound quality to a current day moral difficulty. For example, should the United States government fire voyage rockets at Serbian urban areas so as to drive the administration of Serbia to conform to NATO requests of withdrawal from Kosovo? What good inquiries ought to be posed? Further yet, as we are individuals from a delegate majority rules system, do the residents bear any of the duty of the administration's activities? Am I liable for the administration I pick? Being that it is the activities of an administrations we wish to scrutinize the profound quality of, we should comprehend what the current support possibly in support of the dispatch of journey rockets at Serbia and what the results of that choice would be. It very well may be guessed that the official reasonable of the United States government in its choice to utilize voyage rockets on Serbia depends on cost/advantage examination of what might be to the greatest advantage of the country and the worlda utilitarian ethical quality. The Serbian government has attacked and looks to subvert the power of Kosovo while utilizing destructive strategies to control the populace. The US is following up on what it accepts to be the best useful for the best number. Be that as it may, who is the administration to put a market an incentive on human life? Is it moral and does the legislature reserve the option to place such an incentive on human life? What's more, who is answerable for their choice? The official utilitarian reason of the United States government places a market an incentive on human life Kant composes: Now profound quality is the condition under which alone a levelheaded being can be an end in himself, for no one but in this way would he be able to be an administering part in the realm of closures, endurance of the person in a gathering is the end. In the event that we are to treat men in any case, as a way to an end, we should make that an absolute goal and we should regard it as though that activity will be a general law of nature laws to live by). Subsequently, to do damage to other people, to put a market an incentive on man, would be indecent since it would hurt humankind. In like manner, it is shameless for the United States to forfeit ten thousand lives in anticipation of sparing more. It must be inquired as to whether everybody yielded ten thousand lives?. As indicated by Kants hypothesis of the Universal law, We should have the option to will that a proverb of our activity become all inclusive law, this is the ordinance for ethically evaluating any of our activities (Kant). Maybe it is a touch unexpected that the very archive the US was established on peruses: We hold these facts to act naturally apparent: that all men are made equivalent; that they are blessed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, freedom, and the quest for satisfaction. This, similar to Kant's ethical way of thinking of general adages, broadcasts that man has inborn outright worth. However, so rapidly are we prepared to ignore this presentation as our money saving advantage examination directs. Subjection was canceled on the rule of the total estimation of man. For what reason would it be a good idea for us to dismiss this now? Do we suspend the unalienable rights to life at whatever point it would be generally reasonable? The United States must ask itself whether it wishes to make an adage of setting an incentive on human life. It must be recalled that by bringing down the estimation of life of others, we simultaneously bring down our own worth. Governments and foundations are made out of a totally unexpected dynamic in comparison to that of the person. This leaves man inquisitive with respect to whether to comply with a similar arrangement of ethics. These ethical issues lead to
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
nothing everything
nothing everything My freshman winter break and IAP were very nice, nothing to complain about. I got to fly home and spend two weeks with my family; I came back to campus, learned lots of different things, and had some free time. But the break felt so short, and once I was back at MIT, I was in an awkward middle spot: life wasnt quite full enough to feel that the semester was really happening, but not so empty that I could relax and forget entirely about psets and class start times and all those responsible-person things. This IAP, I tried something different something I dont think Ive tried in I dont know how many years. I did nothing. (But of course, in between the kerning of those letters, everything is hiding.) I only had a Monday exam01 I am extremely lucky, and my apologies to everyone else at the end of fall semester, and I stayed at home an extra week into January, which gave me almost four weeks with my family. Then I flew back to campus for three weeks of IAP, which I filled in exactly whichever way I desired at exactly any moment. It. Was. Glorious! In the past few years of my life, any real breaks have been spent recuperating. And I did that, too, in the first couple weeks: slept twelve hours at a stretch at home, laid on the couch all day, caught up on the entirety of The Internet. But then, because my break wasnt over yet, I got to learn about what its like to have free time when youre not burned out. To follow my whims and have them lead me other places than my couch. To get interesting things done, and go interesting places, solely because I truly wanted to (as opposed to ugh, Im tired, but I need to do this/I want to want to do it/I know Ill enjoy having done it once its over). I cant overstate how wonderful it was like a third way of living I didnt realize existed before this month. Here are some of the things I did, with photos where available (although I really didnt take enough!): Stayed in bed staring at the ceiling, thinking about life, for like two hours after waking up Participated in the MIT Mystery Hunt (blog post to come, hopefully, but it might be a while ??) Various photos of puzzles and puzzle-related content Toured the Green Building roof Visited the Boston Public Library with a friend, got a card and took out books, and explored the Central Branchs incredibly beautiful 19th-century architecture Actually read books! Ones I hadnt read before! Coded for fun, in languages I already knew and languages I didnt (and also coded not-for-fun, aka for a technical interview more on that later :3) Walked around lots of parts of Boston and thought about cities Cooked with friends, went places with friends, had aimless fun with friends L to R: my favorite chickpea dish; my first-ever hardboiled egg; a Trader Joe's cart full of just produce. No pics of the friends unfortunately :( Started a habit of writing down something, anything every day (I am 42 days in! More to come on this if I can keep it up.) Put up some things (hooks, whiteboard, etc.) that have been lying on my floor since mid-October, re-organized some shelves that have been a mess since August, and generally made my room a nicer place to be L to R: my new whiteboard lookin' snazzy!; new hooks; a closet that's fully packed on five different lines; neatly folded clothes Felt many different and uniquely delightful kinds of joy, some of which I had long forgotten in the depths of a difficult semester Now another semester is coming. Im alternately scared and excited. Excited because Im always excited for a chance to learn new things; scared because last semester was just a little bit traumatizing, and although I hope that Ive scaled back, I cant know for sure if Ive overcommitted myself again. Scared because every new semester takes me closer to the unknown, to the realization that all along my choices have mattered and my future has been being shaped and now adulthood is already upon me; excited because this IAP has confirmed for me, more strongly than any of my other recent life experiences, that to be alive, and energized, and to get to experience nature and feelings and places and people, is absolutely as good as it gets. There are a lot of things Id like to accomplish and do and see and become in the future, but even if I never get around to any of them, just living is enough. Post Tagged #Boston #Cooking #Green Building #Mystery Hunt I am extremely lucky, and my apologies to everyone else back to text ?
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
An Example Of Successful Operations Management - 2582 Words
1. Introduction In this report, a restaurant, which named ‘Place’, has been chosen and analyzed as an example of successful operations management. By visiting, observing their operations and doing questionnaire survey for the restaurant, to obtain Slack and Johnston’s the five performance objectives. At same time, this report will illustrate how these processes will be ran smoothly with each other in the aspects of five performances. The improvements on process technology will also be introduced. After that, the capacity constraints and the utilization of the existing capacity will be discussed and study to find out the reason of the successful operations. At last, some specific conclusions and recommendations will be provided at the end. The nature of catering industry is to convey the concept of experience of the specific culture of food. A Chinese restaurant operated in a western country is not only for make profit but also to spread traditional Chinese food culture. During the successful operations management of the restaurant, the owners should control the balance between pricing, customer and service experience. Since the restaurant is opening in the UK, although the main customers should be traditional Chinese people, but it is necessary to make innovations on taste of dishes and service style, in order to open the local market and attract more local people come to consume. Otherwise, as we know that there are a lot of Chinese students in the UK (all around theShow MoreRelatedQuestions : Crisis Leadership And Risk Management Report1745 Words  | 7 Pages Assignment 2: LASA 1â€â€Crisis Leadership or Risk Management Report Name Tutor Institution Course Date Assignment 2: LASA 1â€â€Crisis Leadership or Risk Management Report System upgrade is a process that organizations have to go through every once in a while. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Etourism †“Global Distribution Systems †Going, Going, Gone†Free Essays
string(96) " transactions by providing the background link between electronic travel agencies and airlines\." Global Distribution Systems – Going, Going, Gone? | Table of Contents Introduction:2 Timeline3 Airline Reservation System3 Computer Reservation Systems (CRS)3 Global Distribution Systems (GDS)4 Who uses GDSs? 5 GDS – Through the years:5 The Future of GDS:6 What should they do? 6 What is the role of the global distribution system in today’s travel agencies? 6 The Internet7 Conclusion8 References9 Books:9 Articles:9 Websites:9 Introduction: GDS – Going, going, gone? Well, certainly Global Distribution Systems have been going for a while but are they yet gone? This paper is on the history, present time and the questionable future of Global Distribution System (GDS). Firstly I go through each stage of their timeline: – Airline Reservation Systems began in the 1960s and is a computerized system is designed to control flight inventory, maintain flight schedules, seat assignments and aircraft loading. It’s used to store and retrieve information and carry out transactions associated to any air travel. We will write a custom essay sample on Etourism – â€Å"Global Distribution Systems – Going, Going, Gone†or any similar topic only for you Order Now The modern airline reservation system is comprehensive suite of products to provide a system that assists with a variety of airline management tasks and ervice customer needs from the time of initial reservation through completion of the flight. – Computer Reservations Systems (CRS) began in the 1970s. These types of systems charge other travel suppliers for the right to market their products and services through these systems. ‘The computer reservation systems are completely keyboard driven and you must learn the formats in order to operate it efficiently. The web based booking engines are the point and click environment. ’ Travel Agent Training Centre, (2011). Global Distribution Systems (GDS) began in the 1980s and refer to the booking tool travel agents use when making an air, hotel, car or other travel service booking. They provide pricing, availability and reservation functionality to many online travel agencies. There are currently four major GDS systems: 1. Amadeus 2. Galileo 3. Sabre 4. Worldspan Hotel-ICT, (2011) – The Internet has become the main sales channel and customer interface for low-cost airlines because of its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Timeline The timeline stages of CRS/GDS according to Werthner amp; Klein (1999), is as follows: â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ Time1965197519851995 SystemAirline ReservationCRSGDS Global Travel amp; FocusSystem Tourism Information Airline Reservation System Airline Reservation System was one of the earliest modifications to improve on efficiency. It’s a moderately simple standalone system that controls flight inventory, maintains flight schedules, seat assignments and aircraft loading. ‘It provides a system that assists with a variety of airline management tasks and service customer needs from the time of initial reservation through completion of the flight. Videco m, (2006). ARS contain airline schedules, fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records. Airline Reservations Systems sooner or later evolved into Computer Reservation Systems (CRS). Computer Reservation Systems (CRS) ‘A Computer Reservation System (CRS) is a computerized system for saving and retrieving information when needed related to air travel. CRS were created and used by airlines and at a later point they were finally used in tourism intermediaries like travel agencies. ’ marcelvacek. logspot (2010)  An airline’s direct distribution works within their own reservation system, as well as pushing out information to the GDS. The second type of direct distribution channels are consumers who use the internet or mobile applications to make their own reservations. Travel agencies and other indirect distribution channels access the same GDS as those accessed by the airlines’ reservation systems Well known CRS operations that book and sell ticke ts for multiple airlines are known as global distribution systems (GDS). Airlines have separated most of their direct holdings to devoted GDS companies, who make their systems available to consumers through Internet gateways. Modern GDSs naturally allow consumers to book hotel rooms and rental cars as well as airline tickets. As well they provide access to railway reservations in some markets although these are not always integrated with the main system. CRS and GDS seem to have the same functions but the major difference between these two systems is that CRS only provide information about airlines whereas by using GDS you can reserve a ticket, a room in a hotel and also a rental car. This is why they are called Global Distribution Systems because you can use GDS to reserve basically everything. Global Distribution Systems (GDS) ‘The term GDS (Global Distribution System) describes a network of one or more CRS for distributing product offers and functionalities of the participating networks in different countries of the world. In addition to the airline product also other products such as accommodation, car rentals, cruises, or tour operator products are included. Werthner amp; Klein (1999) Today the travel marketplace is a global arena with hundreds of thousands of buyers (travel agents) and sellers (hotels, resorts, airlines, car rental companies) working together to reserve and deliver the services to the buyer – the traveller. Increasingly Global Distribution System is known for a Global Electronic System, which connects users and suppliers. GDS offer instant access to the supplier’s information (i. e. hotels) with immediate function. Many m ain web portals are also associated to GDS, including Expedia. com, Orbitz. om, Travelocity. com and priceline. com to name a few. For many years the GDSs had a dominant position in the travel industry. To bypass the GDS and avoid high GDS fees, airlines have started to distribute flights directly from their websites. Another possibility to bypass the GDS is direct connections to the Travel Agencies. According to ITSA there are currently four main GDS companies in operation, these are Amadeus, Galileo, Sabre and Worldspan. These are by far the most used systems, comprising the vast majority of the global bookings in the GDS industry. The Global Distribution Systems (GDSs), a development from the Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs), were for a long time the most important distribution channel for airlines. They were effectively developed as travel supermarkets in the pre-Internet era and their primary objective was to connect travel agencies with airlines (Buhalis, 2004). GDSs are still a vital element in the light of the huge variety of tariffs to be administered. GDSs are the main link between airlines and intermediaries, such as tour operators and travel agents. They are also empowering Internet transactions by providing the background link between electronic travel agencies and airlines. You read "Etourism – â€Å"Global Distribution Systems – Going, Going, Gone†" in category "Papers" ’ (Egger ;amp; Buhalis, 2008) There is one downside of using GDS and it is the fact that it costs airlines money to go through a GDS process. Airlines complain that the prices are too high and therefore some poorer airlines have decided to post their best offers by using their own websites instead of the global distribution system so that they do not go bankrupt. CRSs (Computer Reservation Systems) and GDSs were the most important facilities of change in the tourism industry before the arrival of the Internet, as they were established as a comprehensive travel marketing and distribution system and were often called travel supermarkets. The need for GDSs arises from both the demand and supply sides as well as from the expansion of th e tourism industry in recent decades. ’ (Buhalis,2003. ) Who uses GDSs? A majority of travel agents (worldwide) and travel websites use the Global Distribution System (GDS) to book their air, hotel and car reservations. There are currently over 600,000 travel agents worldwide who have access to GDS. On top of that, there are hundreds of thousands of web portals that use GDS to provide information on hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc. ’ According to 1Hotelsolution, (2009). GDS – Through the years: There have been 3 stages of evolution the first reservation system was called an Airline Reservation system, the second a Computer Reservation System (CRS) and the third evolution is today’s Global Distribution System (GDS). The establishment of the Computer Reservation Systems (CRSs) in the 1970s and Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) in the 1980s, followed by the development of the Internet in the late 1990s, have transformed the best operational a nd strategic practices in the industry dramatically. ’ Buhalis ;amp; Laws (2008) The big winners here are the airlines, followed by the GDSs. The carriers’ major concern was to overhaul their distribution economics and they did that – reducing the fees they pay the GDSs by about 33 per cent per segment. And the airlines, with assistance from the GDSs, did it on the backs of travel agencies. Travel agencies bear about 80 per cent of that reduced airline payment to GDSs through the incentive cuts the agencies agreed to, while the GDSs foot about 20 per cent of the lost revenue themselves. With travel agencies already under financial pressure, the 80-cents incentive cut they agreed to could mean the difference between profit and loss, survival and bankruptcy, according to the article Airlines the big winners in ‘the GDS wars’ Schaal (2006). For the amount of contestable market share is limited given high load factors. Worse this is not going to get any better due to the constraints on supply due to the high price of fuel. If we look at the market share of the 3 major alliances they now occupy more than 50% of total traffic. When you then remove the Low Cost carriers out of the loop as they don’t participate in the GDSs the amount of neutral traffic unaligned fall s significantly. Perhaps for this reason we see traditional unaligned airlines like Virgin Atlantic starting to evaluate their options seriously.  4Hoteliers, (2011). The Future of GDS: Over the last 10 years, the Internet has proved to be a crucially successful platform for selling travel, appealing to a vast group of suppliers. According to Breaking Travel News (2004), the number of travellers booking airline tickets, hotel rooms and other travel services online continues to grow. The GDSs were actually among the first e-commerce companies in the world as early as mid 1970s. Earlier before the beginning of the GDS, travel agents spent huge amounts of time manually entering reservations. The airlines realised that at this point they could make travel agents more productive and essentially re-invent them as an extension of the airlines sales force. It is these original legacy GDSs that provide the strength to the Internet Travel distribution. While online commerce was growing at a fast pace, agents are more and more facing a new reality whereby customers are finding the cheapest fares for themselves on the Internet. The airlines can no longer afford to put fare content through GDSs and are complaining that the prices are too high. The low-cost airlines have added to this pressure, having found an alternative form of distribution that bypasses the GDSs, as stated by Breaking News Travel, (2004). In an attempt to cut their own costs, traditional airlines have started to make their best fares available on their own websites alone. Although GDSs are still a very useful distribution tool, at this stage it is crucial that they reduce their distribution costs in order to restore profitability and ensure the airlines survival (none of the GDSs are now owned by airlines). This is no doubt leading to the volume of the GDS transactions diminishing. What should they do? Moving into a de-regulatory environment will change the rules for GDSs, meaning a shift in focus creating new opportunities. They really need to concentrate on value, content and pricing as priorities in moving ahead. They should also re-evaluate their costs and agent incentives. British Airways (BA) has recently negotiated a deal with Amadeus, Sabre and Galileo, which gives them full access to BA’s fares as indicated by Breaking Travel News, (2004). What is the role of the global distribution system in today’s travel agencies? With the dramatic expansion of the Internet and the proliferation of new sources offering bookable travel content, GDSs are still the primary, most comprehensive and reliable platform for travel agencies and their corporate clients to access, shop and book travel. It is also through GDSs and their rich portfolios of travel planning and management tools those agencies and corporations reconcile and manage daily travel business. Due to their range, extent and supplier relationships, GDSs are also fundamental to the supply of travel products to retailers in the online channel according to Travelport, (2011). The Internet The Internet has become the main sales channel and customer interface for low-cost airlines because of its efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The most recent stage of distribution system increase happened in the mid-1990s and counterparts the fast growth of the Internet and its widespread penetration into households by the end of the decade. The internet gave rise to alternative booking channels. ‘ Instead of going to the travel agent to pick up brochures, customers will request details of holidays over the Internet and watch video pictures of the accommodation before booking with the swipe of a credit card. Morgan, (1996). ‘Airlines have a number of options for Internet distribution including airline-owned websites, alliance sites, electronic intermediaries and other forms of sales including electronic auctioning of unsold seats. A major advantage of these types of services is the ability to offer 24-hour, 7-days-a-week service that in the near future will include bookin gs via cellular phones using Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) technology. ’ Buhalis amp; Laws, (2001). By combining the simple protocol of the Internet with a user-friendly interface it represents the main â€Å"vehicle†for creating a worldwide electronic community, integrating research institutes, private companies, public organizations and, most important, private households. ’ Werthner amp; Klein, (1999). Conclusion The questions are if there is a concentration of power in the hands of the airlines and the intermediaries, is there really a need for a neutral distribution system? What if there was no GDS? If this were the case – would the prices of the products go down or stay the same? From the research in this paper I believe that GDS today is costing us more. As 4Hoteliers stated previously in the paper, the market share of the 3 major alliances they now occupy more than 50% of total traffic. When the Low Cost carriers are removed out of the loop they don’t take part in the GDSs the amount of neutral traffic not united falls considerably. I would agree that the GDS has over time restrained competition and indeed cost the consumer more. GDS – Going, going, gone? They did indeed lasted many, many years but yes I believe they are on their way out. A new generation of people are coming in with more knowledge about technology than the last. They have more of a grasp about computers and the workings of the Internet therefore they will not need GDS, thus, will not need to use travel agencies who are the main users of GDS to book their air, hotel and car reservations. Once travel agencies are out, Global Distribution Systems will no longer be needed. They are soon to be gone. References Books: * Buhalis, D (2003). eTourism. Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited. P93-94. * Buhalis, D. amp; Laws, E. (2001). Tourism Distribution Channels-Practices, Issues amp; Transformations. Cornwall, UK: TJI Digital. P221 * Egger, R. amp; Buhalis, D. (2008). eTourism Case Studies. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann P264 * Morgan, M. (1996). Marketing for Leisure and Tourism. Hertforshire, UK: Prentice Hall. P263 * Werthner, H. amp; Klein, S. (1999). Information Technology and Tourism – A Challenging Relationship. Austria: Springer-Verlag Wien. P79 * Werthner, H. amp; Klein, S. (1999). Information Technology and Tourism – A Challenging Relationship. Austria: Springer-Verlag Wien. P185 * Werthner, H. amp; Klein, S. (1999). Information Technology and Tourism – A Challenging Relationship. Austria: Springer-Verlag Wien. P188 Articles: * Breaking Travel News (2004) The Future of the GDS. Available from http://www. breakingtravelnews. com/news/article/btn20040216144254916/ [accessed 8th Oct 2011] * Buhalis, D. amp; Laws, E. (2008) Progress in Tourism Management: Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internetâ€â€The state of eTourism research. Available from http://www. sciencedirect. om/science/article/pii/S0261517708000162 [accessed 7th Oct 2011] * Schaal, D. (2006) Airlines the big winners in ‘the GDS wars’ in International News. Available from http://0-web. ebscohost. com. ditlib. dit. ie/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=5amp;hid=8amp;sid=562024d9-8116-4049-8ab3-6bb0295294dd%40sessionmgr13 [Accessed 7th Oct 2011] Websites: * Hotel-ITC, (2011). GDS (Global Distribution System) – Connect to the world. Available from http://hotel-ict. blogspot. com/2011/04/gds-global-distribution-system-connect. html [Accessed 8th Oct 2011] (Image) * ITSA – GDSs and LTDs http://www. nteractivetravel. org/IndustryBackground/Attachments/GDSs_and_LTDs_FAQs. pdf [accessed 8th Oct] * Marcelvacek. blogspot, (2010). Tourism amp; Hospitality Business Applications. Available from http://marcelvacek. blogspot. com/2010/10/what-is-crs-and-gds. html [accessed 7th Oct 2011] * Travel Agent Training Centre, (2011). Computer Reservation System Training Available from http://www. travelagenttrainingcenter. com/Computer%20Reservation%20System%20Training. htm [accessed 8 Oct] * Travelport, (2011). What do travel agents How to cite Etourism – â€Å"Global Distribution Systems – Going, Going, Gone†, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Optimism Speech free essay sample
â€Å"So†¦what are you looking for? †The saleswoman says to me. All of a sudden, I see this cute shirt in the corner of my eye. Before I could even tell her what I wanted to try on, she looked at me straight in the eye and said, â€Å"I don’t think you can fit in our clothing†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I looked at her straight in the eye, just so she can see my disappointment and hurt. Do you want to know what I said? Okay. Yeah, that’s what I said. I bet that put her in her place. â€Å"So†¦how do you expect to fit into a prom dress? †I replay that over and over in my head. How was I supposed to fit in a prom dress? Size 0 in pants. Oh yeah, that was easy to find. IF you translate it into the kids section. Try shopping for clothing. â€Å"Oh, that’s cute. We will write a custom essay sample on Optimism Speech or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †You say to yourself. You go try it on, and BAM! It looks like a potato sack with sleeves. What do you do? If you’re like me, and you hate people ridiculing your weight, you’ll go home and eat every unhealthy thing you have in sight. You know the feeling†¦that delicious piece of chocolate cake you made your cousin for her birthday? That might be gone by the time you finish your bag of potato chips. The next day I wake up and smile. I feel more filled, and I feel hopeful. I walk into the bathroom and onto the scale†¦the numbers were dishearteningâ€â€95. lbs. I sighed as I stepped of the scale. I look into the mirror and examine my stomach. Flat. Obviously, that’s not the problem, but if sleeping screws up my weight, I wonder what walking does. I’ve talked to my friends about this, as well. Imagine you telling your best friends about how you’re trying to get in shape, instead of worrying about your weight. Then suddenly, you get interrupted by another classmate, â€Å"You don’t need to work out! You’re a twig! †It may seem like a compliment, but they don’t know that I’d love to reach 100 lbs. before I graduate. But I realized something†¦something important.As I was lying in my bed ( which was usually the time I’d be deep in thought, pondering about the wonders of life) I went over all the weight insults I’ve received in my head. Then I came to the conclusionâ€â€what in the world am I doing? I walked into my closet and picked out a shirt and checked the brand. Remember that store where the lady said they wouldn’t have my size? Well look here. A shirt with the brand name all over it. I got a little more hopeful. The next day, I went and tried on prom dresses. I looked at the pictures I took on my phone. Who says I can’t find a dress? And that night I stepped on the scale for the last time. 7 lbs was the result. Guess what? I didn’t give a flying large sized shirt, medium dress, or size 3 pants how much I weighed, because I knew I was healthy. Confidenceâ€â€the faith to succeed. Optimismâ€â€the tendency to expect the best possible outcome; to wish to succeed; positive. It’s something I didn’t have. I didn’t have that personal trait that people could carry so well. Optimism†¦I never really understood the meaning. Especially when writing this speech. When heard about the speech, I froze. My mind flew back to 6th grade. The day I had to do my first speech. My mind was racing, saying things to myself like â€Å"I got this, man.I got this. I’m going to do this, I’m going to do great, this is going to be sweet, and†¦. oh god, oh god, I’m going to fail. I’m going to suck. †Those same things ran through my mind as I was writing this. But then I remembered that I COULD actually do this. I mean, how hard can it be? Standing in front of your classmates†¦being judged†¦on every move you make†¦okay, it’s not THAT serious. I realized that about a week ago. What am I worried about? This speech taught me somethingâ€â€with optimism, I can get determination. And with that determination, I can do great things, and even find a cute shirt in a size small.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Panoptic Discipline Essays - Surveillance, Michel Foucault, Plague
Panoptic Discipline In Michael Foiucault's ?Panopticism? he breaks down our social/economical systems and explains societies mentality on the law system. He answers the ?why's? in the way certain individuals act and think as they do. Many times his explanation is very much branched off of J. Bentham's ?Panopticon?. In one paragraph of ?Panopticism?, a disciplinary mechanism is described, which is considered the best way for one to be punished, in that new knowledge and learning is gained by every individual. In this paragraph on page 316, Foucault explains how he feels a person should be disciplined and he looks at it from many different angles. ?This enclosed, segmented space, observed at every point, in which the individuals are inserted in a fixed place, in which the slightest movements are supervised, in which all events are recorded in which an uninterrupted work of writing links the center and periphery, in which power is exercised without division, according to a continuous hierarchical figure, in which each individual is constantly located, examined, and distributed among the living beings, the sick, and the dead-all this constitutes a compact model of the disciplinary mechanism.? In this first sentence of the paragraph a description of how closely watched and evaluated the individuals are. All movements all actions everything would be analyzed. This is how he feels a disciplinary mechanism should be and is a key model for all to follow. In disciplining that way it would make the individual a better person, ?excercising power without division? is an example. ?The plague is met by order; its function is to sort out every possible confusion: that of the disease, which is transmitted when bodies are mixed together; that of the evil, which is increased when fear and death overcome prohibitions.? Disease, definatly a confusion in our society when two or more people come together. Evil becomes very overwelming when it can not be controlled or prevented. With the help of this plague everything becomes more controlled. ?It lays down for each individual his place, his body, his disease, and his death, his wellbeing, by means of an omnipresent and omniscient power that subdivides itself in a regular, uninterrupted way even to the ultimate determination of the individual, of what characterizes him, of what belongs to him, of what happens to him.? The plague serves as a sort of god to the individual. It breaks everything down and as described is an ?omnipresent and omniscient power?. Acts as it is keeping an eye on the individual to sort of test and see how he/she would react knowing that they are being watched regardless of what they believe in or know... just how they would adapt to their own surroundings. ?Against the plague, which is a mixture, discipline brings into play its power, which is one of analysis.? In this fourth sentence it describes how analyzation is the stregnth of what is considered power. Learning can only make you more intelligent and the more you know the broader your understanding would be which in a mental state would make you stronger. ?A whole literary fiction of the festival grew up around the plague: suspended laws, lifted prospect, individuals unmasked, abandoning their statutory identity and the figure under which they had been recognized, allowing a quite different truth to appear?. When the idividuals were in this plague they began acting different. They were changing their personalities to fit into this containment, as I said earlier, trying to adapt to thier envrionments. But their was also a political dream of the plague, which was exactly its reverse: not the collective festival, but strict divisions; not laws transgressed, but the penetration of regulation into even the smallest details of everyday life through the meditation of the complete hierarchy that assured the capillary functioning of power; not masks that were put on and taken off, but the assignment to each individual of his ?true? name, his ?true? place, his ?true? body, his ?true? disease.? This sentence in the paragraph is talking about a totally different side the of the plague, the ?political side?. Instead of analyizing individuals use the force out of the power to handle these individuals. This was the dream of many that instead of interaction total integration
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Tyler Ackerman Essays - Positive Psychology, Psychology, Well-being
Tyler Ackerman Essays - Positive Psychology, Psychology, Well-being Tyler Ackerman Take Home Essay Positive Psychology 10/4/17 Seligman vs Keyes Seligman's (2011) PERMA theory provides the reader with a deep emphasis on Positive Emotion Cultivating the individual. Seligman expects everyone to put their full attention and engagement towards ones Strength's (referring to the top charted positive strengths.) In order for one to accomplish this level of engagement a person must surround him or herself with positive relationships such as close friends, family, and Significant other. Once this strength is able to take action Seligman advises us to go beyond improving ourselves and use these strengths for a service much larger than something we have done before to test our limits. Finding meaning ties into Seligman last highlight, Achievement. A person without challenging goals to make one strive in life can never truly appreciate the power in their strengths to finally experience some form of mastery with ourselves and our environment. Martin Seligman also believes the major goal of Positive Psychology as a whole is to achieve or increase a person's life satisfaction. Seligman came up with a term to breakdown how once truly improves ones overall happiness called Authentic Happiness. Authentic Happiness is split into 3 elements to help measure the state of happiness including Positive Emotion (The pleasured life,) Engagement (The Engaged Life,) and Meaning (Being bigger than oneself.) Key idea to point out here is that Seligman refers to engagement as being in a constant flow letting go of ones self-consciousness to be fully engaged in one's life. Authentic happiness theory obviously isn't a perfect system and has a few inadequacies. Popular connotation of happiness is a basic cheerful mood and these positive emotions also provide us with a basic meaning of happiness. Seligman concept of engagement in his theory can't truly exhaust the elements because people choose for their own sake and comfort. The biggest takeaway's to get from Seligman is that everyone in society is asocial animal thriving on all types of connection available to oneself, an act of kindness here and there can become the single most increase in ones well-being, and Lastly Seligman points out that "There is never a good excuse for being bored" meaning we as a society have no shortcuts to flow and should always strive at exercising our highest strengths and talents. Over a ten year period Seligman authentic happiness theory became the Well-Being theory. Which now included 5 elements the new one being Accomplishment "Achieving life." The goal with WBT became to increase ones flourishing in their own life and on the planet. On the other side of Positive Psychology we have Keyes defining the importance of life presenting us with social challenges consistently which later became her social model of well-being. The five dimensions tied into this include Social Acceptance (degree of comfort,) Social Actualization (Society Growth,) Social Coherence (society understandable meaning,) Social Contribution (value of society,) and Social Integration (feelings of community.) Keyes later founded her Two Continua Model in 2002. She discovered that mental health increases as mental illness decreases, Mental illness increases as mental health decreases, and risk of a depressive episode is five times greater with a person that is languishing or flourishing. Keyes also came up with the six dimensions of social well-being including self-acceptance, personal growth, purpose in life in life, environmental mastery, autonomy, and positive relations with others. While I believe Keyes SWB model is easier to relate to in today's society I would argue that Seligman Theory has a deeper meaning and provides the individual with more hope for obtaining the overall goal of increases in life satisfaction. I believe Keyes overall goal is increase in happiness through the lenses of social acceptance while Seligman focuses on inner increase in life satisfaction overtime.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Drug testing for public assistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Drug testing for public assistance - Essay Example On the other hand, the people who oppose the said notion are addressing the fact that the random drug testing is ‘scientifically and medically’ illogical. Aside from the fact that it was expressed to be ‘fiscally irresponsible’ (American Civil Liberties Union 1). On a personal note, both side present reasonable conjecture regarding the issue although as a citizen, I am in favor of the implementation of drug testing. There are different points that can be presented regarding the said point of view. Thus, the discussion is aimed to present the reasons for agreeing with the advocates of the issue and the reasons for disagreeing with the critics. One point is related to the fact that every citizen of the nation has his or her own responsibilities toward the community. Due to that fact that these people are in need of public assistance, on the basis of different reasons such as the lack of income sources, following the rules set up by the authorities can be considered as their duty. This view is even strengthened by the fact that the funds for public assistance are coming from the taxes of the citizen with stable source of income (Sachteleben 1). Another point that can be presented in favor of the drug testing is the fact that even the employees and workers who are screened for their jobs are being required to have drug test. This means that the said procedure is not meant to separate the group of people who needs public assistance from other groups in the community. For that matter, critics of the notion cannot use the reason that there is maltreatment or unjust regard towards the said group (Sachteleben 1).
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
An Examination Questions about Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Assignment
An Examination Questions about Fundamentals of Financial Accounting - Assignment Example Accounting is an extremely important activity of the business, which plays a critical role in the market economy. For instance, through accounting, it is possible for various stakeholders of different companies, especially investors to evaluate the risks and returns that they speculate to incur or gain from investing in various organizations (Ingram and Albright 22). This is because accounting allows for full and fair disclosure of such companies’ financial information and performance. Secondly, accounting provides capital markets with reliable information about the business activities of various organizations. In turn, this information is used by investors to determine profitable companies, in which they can invest (Ingram and Albright 22). This leads to the addition of value to society because the right decisions to invest and allocate resources to efficient and effective companies are made by the use of accounting information. In addition, accounting plays a role in the evaluation of contracts by society because it avails relevant information (Ingram and Albright 22). Accounting puts organizations on the check so that they can observe environmental laws and conserve the environment while carrying out their operations, which benefits the host society of such organizations at large. For instance, responsibility accounting is charged with informational responsibilities to the society in respect to the law (Bebbington, Laughlin and Gray 407). The recent trends of globalization have influenced accounting practices significantly. For instance, trade and investments between countries have increased. The amount of capital, goods and service flow across domestic borders has increased (Saudagaran 1). This requires that accounting information has to be prepared to meet the required international standards of transparency, reliability, and comparability (CGA Magazine).Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
Pros And Cons Of North America Free Trade Marketing Essay
Pros And Cons Of North America Free Trade Marketing Essay This report provides an analysis of the current and prospective profitability, pros and cons of North America Fee Trade Agreement. The analysis also includes the origins, objectives trend, and the advantages as the comparative advantages, standard living and nation policy, together with the disadvantages such as the deep analysis about the job loss in United State and the human right and nature. Other supporting ideas includes the detail information about the profit that this agreement bring to the people in US, Canada, Mexico and the wide countries, its purposes and goals, or the return from the investment as well as the loss. All the related detail and calculation can be found in the appendices. General earning from this free trading also estimated below industry averages. In particular, comparative performances in the areas of the markets control as well as the evaluations from NAFTA. The report finds the prospects of this agreement in its current position are evaluating and developing. The major areas of weakness require further investigation and remedial action by governments. Besides that, because NAFTA has many pros, governments also need to adapt and try to reduce the bad effect to countries which already become the one union. The report also investigates some limitations that NAFTA had through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are the connection between the government and companies, which lead to the fact that many companies have the disadvantages without the supporting by the union if they choose to stand independently. Furthermore, the lack of attention to the right of human due to the rush and overwhelm working hour and their insurances are low and unfair which develops by the maquiladora programs from NAFTA. II. Introduction. Origins. According to Paulette L. Stenzel (2010), The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an agreement signed on January 1, 1994 within the 3 three countries United States, Canada, and Mexico which become the largest free trade area in the World (GDP). NAFTAs purposes are reducing the trading costs, increasing the business investment and help North America to achieve a wider position in the global marketplace. When these three countries signed NAFTA, US and Canada had agreed to sign the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) and added this agreement into NAFTA. Because of CFTA, there will be a change in place of the agricultural trade before NAFTA. Most of the food in United State and Canada became duty free on January 1, 1998. NAFTA began the implementation on January 1st, 1994 and going to be develop in 15 years.  Objectives. Some of the objectives from the agreement include the tariffs eliminate on the trading between Canada, US and Mexico and prepare a standards the provision of national treatment for other signatory countries foreign investors. Furthermore, to ensure markets secure access with the improvement on the settlement mechanism of the dispute, this agreement also help the member countries companies to have more procurement opportunities to increase the access of the government. In addition, NAFTA improves the professionals of business people and their cross-border movement within some selected countries to be stronger in protection of intellectual property right. A vast of new business opportunities had opened up by NAFTA for the three partner countries and other countries that want to enter North American market. Based on this, the investors come from other countries stay at a location in Canada can have the ability to attend the whole area of North American market. Moreover, NAFTA has an entry in force which said that the significant increases experienced by the parties a in the goods and services trade among them. There also an agreement from the three Customs Administrations about NAFTA Rules of Origin Regulations (the Regulations) and the Rules of Origin of the NAFTA. In the worsened conditions of the economic in 2008; during the U.S. Presidential campaign, NAFTA became a hot issue again. Senators Hillary Clinton a democratic candidates and Barack Obama both blamed the loss of American jobs manufacturing to NAFTA and make a suggestion about the renegotiated for this term which will need to include the higher labor cost and the environmental standards. III. NAFTA pros and cons. Advantages. It is no doubt to say the most advantages that NAFTA bring to 450 million people in the U.S., Canada and Mexico is the free entrance in trading not only in their own country zone but also in the worldwide market place. With the national policies which support those countries with lower cost in export and import, it is responsible for $1.6 trillion in goods and services annually. It also decreases the inflation by reducing the cost of import to have more view, lets look into the figure of United States economy via the data of GDP rate which increased steadily 5% a year; it is the clear evidence to show the advantages the NAFTA bring to their countries. Comparative advantages. According to David Ingram (2009), NAFTA helps international trade to eliminate the tariffs between members countries by boasting the natural advantages that they owned. This means that they can low down the cost of production line and provide to the consumers more reasonable price of product because of cheap materials come from their natural resources advantages. U.S is famous for their high quality consumers good with low cost, while the strength of Mexico is agricultural product such as foods and crops. NAFTA eliminates the tariff between two countries so that US can purchase the crops and poultry with cheap price from Mexican, while Mexican can buy the cheap consumer product with high quality from US also. Thanks to NAFTA, agricultural exports to Canada and Mexico grew from 22% of total U.S. farm exports in 1993 to 30% in 2007. Standard living. NAFTAS goal is to reduce tariffs among Mexico, Canada, and the United States over a period of years, making it easier to trade goods across national borders, and increasing economic efficiency in North America. It clearly deserve the strong support of all those who believe in liberty and free markets. Moreover the standard living of people in those countries has risen day by day together with the demand of high quality produce comes from US (Freedman, 2004). NAFTA provides the free market with high demand of product, which will lead to the risen in the number of jobs needs. 25000 jobs are created for any additional billion dollars the US export. Over 150000 new jobs associated with NAFTA were reported during the last 5 years (Shahabbuhin, 2003). Nation policy. Free trade innovation will give nation the chance to step closer to each others and be more active in coordination. It also helps to reduce the rate of illegal immigration and international smuggling from nation to nation. Moreover, NAFTA protect the intellectual property right of members nation with their own policies regulations. Disadvantages. Job loss in United State. Many manufacturers in United State had to move jobs to lower-cost Mexico with lowered wages, manufacturers still competed in industries. NAFTA did not support enough for Mexican labour and environment protection and caused the lost of manufacturers 1.3 million farm jobs in Mexico. The organization exported corn and other grains with low-cost so Mexicos farms reduced output from 33.2% in 1990 below 13.2% in 2001. So many rural Mexico s farmers refused to cooperate with NAFTA because they could not compete with the other as well. Moreover because Mexicos labour were cheap, many manufacturers in United State chose to move the place they put all of their production line. It leads to the fact that bbetween 1994 and 2010; Mexico totalled $97.2 billion, were displacing 682,900 by U.S. jobs. About 80% manufacturers were in trouble situation such as: California, New York, Michigan and Texas. Besides, the companies did not move to Mexico they selected one of two options: belonging to the union or losing the factory. And they without supporting by the union so they had so many disadvantages to compete with little bargain power. Human right and nature. NAFTA opened many maquiladora programs where employees were paid low salary and exploited with more 12 working hours in a day. These workers have no labor rights or health protections, workdays stretch out 12 hours or more, and if you are a woman, you could be forced to take a pregnancy test when applying for a job, according to Continental Social Alliance. On the other hand, with manufacturing products influenced on environment directly in Mexico because of using fertilizers and other chemicals. So enviroment took pollution and they spent more 36 billion each year to deal with environmental consequences. NAFTA are many pros so the union should adapt and reduce bad effects to countries which belong to the one. IV. Conclusion. From the former paragraph we can see that NAFTA was established for 18 years from 1994. During this period, we can know NAFTA has its own advantages and disadvantages. In 10 years, NAFTA promotes the economy of Mexico, but Mexico still need a long time to catch up with another two countries. And Mexico should catch this chance and invest in education, telecom and innovation, America and Canada should avoid the risks to create the bigger business opportunities. All in all, NATFA should be kept and develop, it will promote the economy in North America.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Art as Expression Essay -- Art
Artists are central to cultural, political and social discourses in the world. They are here not only to inspire us, but to provoke us as well. Four artists that broke social, political and cultural barriers were, Rene Magritte, John Heartfield Jackson Pollock and Otto Dix. While the artists were involved in different movements, each one made revolutionary statements with their works. Artists have a responsibility to use their works as a weapon to the status quo and to break these cultural and social barriers. Rene Magritte and John Heartfield were important figures to the Surrealist movement. Surrealism was a movement that developed after World War II and as a result, society was requesting art that was of the ‘norm’ to give the world a sense of stability. As a reaction to this request, the artists helped influence the Surrealist movement. It is often described as rebellious, idiosyncratic, dream-like and emotional. Maggritte’s thought-provoking pieces, and Heartfield’s anti-war messages all sent a strong message to society. Rene Magritte was a Belgian surrealist painter who was known for painting thought-provoking works that require viewers to question the most mundane aspects of life, including familiar objects such as a tobacco pipe. Magritte wanted his viewers to question the perceptions of reality and if art has the ability to truly represent an object. He believed that even the best artists could not paint an object, because it would always only be a representation of that image. If an artist drew an apple, it was only a representation of an apple, because the viewer could not eat it. In 1929, Magritte painted â€Å"The Treachery of Images†; at first glance appears to be an advertisement of a tobacco product, but underneath t... ...uld be considered: what would the art world look like now if no artist took a risk to express his or her political and social ideologies? Would artists just be creating art their society wants? Would there be any rebellion? Pollock would have painted with a paintbrush, Magritte would not have questioned our perceptions of reality and Dix and Heartfield would not have questioned the motives of politics. It is critical for artists to push these limits, no matter the criticism they will endure. The power behind the arts has been its ability to be a vehicle for expression and it should continue to do just that. Works Cited Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. 1st ed. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2011. Print. Foster, Hal. Art since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism. 2nd ed. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2011. Print.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Cyclist Poem
â€Å"The Cyclist†poetry commentary â€Å"The Cyclist†is a poem by Louis MacNeice which romanticizes the fleeting joys of childhood. These joys are emphasised through imagery of summer – be it activities, food, the beach, a bicycle ride, various techniques such as juxtaposition and enjambment are used to evoke fond memories from the reader. MacNeice’s poem is set in the southwest of England, on a hill with a chalk horse carved into it. It is during the height of summer, when the grasshoppers are buzzing and the children are playing outside. The character is a boy or a group of boys, and they are riding bicycles down a hill near to the chalk horse.The structure of the poem is quite disjointed, with only five sentences throughout three stanzas. Enjambment is used extensively to further reinforce the idea of a out of breath child, as by not ending each line with a full stop the poet is enticing the reader to continue and hear what this breathless child has to say. The use of time in â€Å"The Cyclist†is used to reinforce the notion that the pleasures of summer are temporary. In the first stanza, for example, on line 7, â€Å"but these five minutes†is a reference to both the comparatively short time of childhood and the rapid rush down the hill during summer. Also read: How to be Old Swenson AnalysisTime is again mentioned in line 24 (â€Å"For ten seconds more†) to remind the reader that time is ever-present, and that ageing is impossible to avoid for a child as adulthood draws every closer (emphasised in the decrease of time from five minutes to ten seconds). In general, the speaker in â€Å"The Cyclist†appears to be speaking as a child; he overuses and ‘accidentally’ mixes up words. For instance, on line 4 the speaker says â€Å"In the heat of the handlebars he grasps the summer†. This is plainly a child’s error, and it makes no sense as it is – it should be ‘heat of the summer he grasps the handlebars’.Another example of this is during the last stanza, where the speaker is describing various ways to enjoy the summer, he states â€Å"chase it with butterfly nets or strike [†¦ ] little red ball or gulp [†¦ ] cream /Or drink†(lines 18-20). This overuse of â⠂¬Å"or†again shows the flustered excitement when a child is overloaded with activities; they can’t possibly even speak fast enough to experience them all over the course of one short summer. The experiences which are breathlessly listed are all typical summertime activities, such as catching butterflies, playing cricket, eating summer fruits with cream or enjoying a ool drink in the shade. All of these activities are typically not long-lasting: butterflies slip out of nets, breath cannot be held underwater for long, and food and drink generally do not last long with hungry children around. Therefore, MacNeice is reinforcing the idea that childhood and summertime are fleeting joys which can only be carelessly enjoyed for a so long, and they should be savoured. There is interesting juxtaposition and repetition in the last four lines: repetition of â€Å"calmly†and juxtaposition between calm/stillness and movement.The last four lines also describe the feeling of p eace while you coast along on a bike with no need to pedal after having sped down a hill. â€Å"For ten seconds more can move as the horse in the chalk†means he can be still while still ‘galloping’ (as the horse carved into the hill is galloping, and yet cannot move). â€Å"Calmly regardless of tenses and final clauses†– again grammar is mentioned which refers to the â€Å"forgotten sentence†of school. The final line, â€Å"Calmly unendingly moves. †, is a reference to the horse carved into the hillside.This idea is strengthened in the first line, with â€Å"unpassing horse†. â€Å"unpassing†gives the idea that while the horse is constantly moving, it never actually moves. The fact that the poem both begins and ends with reference to this horse shows that it is one of main ideas of the poem. And so the horse remains there, seemingly for all eternity, fixed in its graceful stride, calmly, unendingly moving. Further jux taposition can also be found in the opposites of â€Å"Left-right-left†, which comes in as the poem approaches its end.It shows the child slowing down and needing to pedal to keep moving, as â€Å"Left-right-left†is the motion needed to turn the pedals one full circle. â€Å"And reaching the valley the boy must pedal again†(line 22) shows that the joys of summer are brief, and they only come once the ‘hill’ (seasons) has done a full cycle and the cyclist has returned himself to the crest of the hill. Water is a symbol which is heavily used in the second stanza and the beginning of the third stanza. It is used to show the innocence of childhood; the purity before the child becomes ‘polluted’ by reality and is forced to ‘pedal’ back up the hill of life.The second stanza begins with imagery of a meadow which quickly transforms into an ocean: â€Å"The grass boils with grasshoppers, a pebble /Scutters from under the wheelâ⠂¬ . The wonderfully poetic language assists in the seamless transition from meadow to ocean: the rolling grass hills are likened the boiling waves (heated by the sun), and the pebbles are compared with crabs, scuttering away to escape the bike’s wheel. The â€Å"boys riding their heat-wave†creates a picture of a surfer, â€Å"feet on a narrow plank and hair thrown back†.The narrow plank creates ambiguity, as the reader is not sure if the poet it referring to a surfboard or the pedals on a bike. The â€Å"spattered white†countryside spoken about on the previous line draws parallels between white caps on the ocean, the boys (whose skin colour would stand out against the green or blue) and the white chalk horses carved into the hills. The â€Å"heat-wave†is a play on words by MacNeice, as the real meaning is a period of exceptionally hot weather which usually occurs in summer. In this context though, it has a double meaning of figuratively Ã¢â‚¬Ë œsurfing’ on the ‘wave’ while ‘riding’ the wave on a bicycle.This water imagery then flows over into the next stanza, pulling the reader forward in the current of the poem, as it depicts the cyclist with a â€Å"surf of dust†(line 17) beneath him, more like a wave than a cloud of dust. The continuation of the sentence into the next stanza is another way MacNeice draws the reader onwards. The animals referred to throughout the poem are all typical summer creatures: grasshoppers chirping on a hot summers’ day, dragonflies suspended in the haze, horses running free over the hills, butterflies floating back and forth, crabs scuttling along a beach.These symbols reinforce MacNeice’s image of a perfect summertime. The poem as a whole – but especially the first stanza – likens life to a text or piece of writing, combined with the fleeting exhilaration of childhood: â€Å"Between the horizon’s brackets†, with the â€Å"main sentence†of adult life to be â€Å"picked up later†. The use of grammatical terms such as â€Å"brackets†, â€Å"parenthesis†and â€Å"tenses and final clauses†reminds the reader that school and education is always in the back of a child’s mind, not wanting for the summer to end.Through the use of poetic techniques such as juxtaposition and enjambment, MacNeice has created parallels between the joys of childhood and the fun of whizzing down a hill on a bicycle. Water imagery, the majority of which is found in the second paragraph, is used to show that summer enjoyment is not only limited to the meadows of southwest England, but can be enjoyed by the beach or surfing in the ocean. In â€Å"The Cyclist†Louis MacNeice seeks to make an initially light-hearted statement about the fun in being a child which slowly shifts into a more contemplative, melodramatic declaration of the inevitability of ageing and the passage of time.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The State Should Enforce Voluntary Slavery Essay - 1999 Words
This essay will examine the question of whether the state should enforce voluntary slavery contracts. I will first explain why Nozick thinks that it’s permissible for the state to allow voluntary slavery. Then, I will discuss Satz’s strongest objection against Nozick’s argument and argue why Satz’s response is ineffective. Finally, I will argue that the state should allow one to voluntarily sell himself into a permanent condition of slavery as the state should respect the slave’s freedom to choose how to live his life. I will also consider one response an egalitarian might pose to my objection and ultimately dismiss that response. Part 1: A libertarianist’s response for why the state should allow voluntary slavery: In Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Nozick argues that the state should allow one to voluntarily sell himself into slavery on the basis that the individual voluntarily makes the choice himself, and no one has made the choice for another person (Nozick 331). In a free system, each person has inviolable right towards self-ownership. The state shouldn’t violate people’s rights by inhibiting exchanges voluntarily carried out between consenting adults (Nozick 163). Nozick’s notion of voluntary slavery refers to a contract formed between two consenting adults in which a slave has rescinded his self-ownership: the slave has given consent to the owner to use the slave as a means to an end, and the slave has become part of the owner’s property. According to Nozick’sShow MoreRelatedThe Ideals and Philosophies of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois1487 Words  | 6 Pagesth e country to study exactly what the United States are even writing that he â€Å"touched the very shadow of slavery†(Monteiro 2010). He gained invaluable knowledge and with this he began to teach what he had learned. Immediately he began attacking the very concepts that had founded the United States. He found his biggest issues with the current paradigms in education and capitalism. 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